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Selectmen's Minutes February 22, 2000
Minutes of Selectmen Meeting
February 22, 2000

Present: Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Stephanie McSweeney, Daniel Webster  (Peter Jones absent)

7:13 p.m. Chairman Webster called the meeting to order.

Barbara Gomez, Town Accountant  was present to discuss her evaluation.  Mr. Webster gave a brief explanation of how the evaluation process worked, using the goals and objects and the new evaluation tool.  Mrs. Gomez indicated that she was happy with her score.  She would like to add training sessions to her goals for the new year.  Cathy Kuchinski suggested possibly having the training session prior to town meeting to show how the forecast changes during the budget process.  Discuss possible topics and ideas for sessions.

Salary Ranges were discussed while waiting for Mr. Germaine.  Mrs. Murdoch felt that a range should be established.  Suggested that since the Board has budgeted a 3%  increase for themselves that 3% should be the median for the ranges.  No range should include 0% increase.

Sam Germaine, Building Inspector arrived to discuss his evaluation.  Mr. Webster explained the process to Mr. Germaine.  Mr. Germaine indicated that he was very disappointed with the comments regarding zoning questions.  Mr. Webster explained that he didn’t feel Mr. Germaine knew enough about some of the issues and  that he needs to support and back up his decisions.  Mrs. Murdoch apologized for not including comments, and read hers to the Board and Mr. Germaine.  Mrs. Murdoch pointed out that she only evaluated Mr. Germaine on the current year and did not consider previous years.  Mr. Germaine indicated that he has given the Town 100% and always does his best.  Mrs. Murdoch noted that she has not heard any complaints regarding the Building Inspector.  Cathy Kuchinski suggested that maybe people are not complaining because they feel nothing will be done about their complaints.  Discussed the McDonalds matter and the course Mr. Germaine took.  Mr. Germaine indicated that the permitting process is streamlined.  Cathy Kuchinski requested a list of courses and certifications which Mr. Germaine has taken.  Brief discussed Mr. Germaine’s proposed by-law regarding in-law apartments.  Mr. Germaine will be working with area towns to set up ADA  workshops.

Carole McCormack, Treasurer/Collector came in for her evaluation.  Mr. Webster once again reviewed the process.  Mrs. McCormack indicated that she expected low scores in light of the past year’s events.  Referring to a comment about seeking advice from peers, Mrs. McCormack indicated that she calls other Collectors and speaks frequently with appraisers and attorneys.  Mr. Webster indicated that he would like to see professional appraisals on land being auctioned by the Town.  Mrs. McCormack indicated that she gets her appraisals from the Assessor prior to an auction.  However, she does not foresee any auctions in the very near future.  Mrs. McCormack feels that she is a team player.  Mr. Webster explained why feels she is not.  He feels Mrs. McCormack is not willing to accept other ideas.  Cathy Kuchinski liked her Goals and Objective and suggested continuance of the training session.  Stephanie McSweeney suggested that good communication must exist between the Collector, Executive Secretary and Board of Selectmen.  

Salary Ranges - Continued discussion regarding ranges.  A three percent increase would be average, 1% bottom of range and 5% top of range.  The Board pointed out that next year’s numbers could be different depending on the fiscal health of the Town.  Cathy Kuchinski listed increases for Management Assistant 4%, Town Accountant 3.5%, Treasurer Collector 2.5% and Building Inspector 1.5%.  Mrs. Murdoch indicated that she had a problem with Mr. Germaine’s increase because he is trying hard and hasn’t received any complaints.  Mrs. Murdoch’s increases were Management Assistant 4%, Town Accountant 3.5%, Treasurer Collector 2.5% and Building Inspector 2.0%.  Mr. Webster felt that there should be a difference between the Management Assistant & Town Accountant and the Treasurer/Collector & Building inspector.  Both the Management Assistant and Town Accountant worked very hard during the past few months and have been very cooperative.  They should be rewarded for their efforts.  Lengthy discuss ensued.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Dan Webster for salary increase of 4.5 % for Management Assistant.  Voted 2 - 2.

Mrs. McSweeney suggested in an effort to expedite the process she would change her vote. Although she appreciates the Management Assistant’s work, she does not feel people in the private sector are receiving 4.5% increases.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Dan Webster for salary increase of 4.5% for Management Assistant.  Voted 3 - 1 (Kuchinski).

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Judy Murdoch for salary increase of 4.0 for Town Accountant.  Voted 1-2-1 Murdoch & Kuchinski against, Webster abstain.  Mrs. Murdoch feels that 3.5 would be sufficient.  After brief discussion a new vote was taken.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski for salary increase of 3.75% for Town Accountant.  Voted 4 - 0.

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Cathy Kuchinski for salary increase of 2.5% for Treasurer/Collector.  Voted 4 - 0.

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski for salary increase of 1.5% for Building Inspector - no second.  Brief discussion regarding Building Inspector’s increase.  Mrs. Murdoch feels that the Building Inspector and Treasurer/Collector should run along the same line.  She would not support an increase of only 1.5%.  Motion withdrawn.

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Dan Webster for salary increase of 2.0 for Building Inspector.  Voted 3 - 1 (Kuchinski)

Plymouth County Hospital Insurance - Board reviewed Insurance Company’s recommendation of coverage in the amount of $1,746,160.00 with an annual premium of $15,176.00.  Currently the property is insured at the purchase price of $950,000.00.  Board decided to table the matter until additional information can be obtained and keeping the coverage at $950,000.00.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to enter into Executive Session under Item #3, contract negotiations.  Roll Call Murdoch aye, Kuchinski aye, Webster aye, McSweeney aye.  Voted 4 - 0 to enter Executive Session.

10:00 p.m. Reconvened from Executive Session - No votes were taken.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to adjourn to Finance Committee meeting.  Voted 4 - 0.

10:06 p.m.. Joined Finance Committee - Present:  Roger McGovern, Linda Wyman, Manny DePina, Peg Hansen, Keith Obillo and Jim Tuffo.  Discussed Board of Selectmen’s Budget lines.  Many of the lines had previously been reviewed by the Finance Committee.  

Line 10 Town Vehicles - Line has been increased to $13,000.00.  This will cover 2 new leases for the Police Department.  Fin Com. concerned that they have received requests for vehicles for the Assessors and Board of Health.  Lengthy discussion on merits of Town Vehicles and paying mileage for employee’s using their own vehicles.  Maintain line at $65,000.00  

Line 12 Computer - Increase in the amount of $2,500.00 for Computer Technician and additional computer equipment.  Fin. Com. again concerned that other departments are budgeting for additional computer equipment for GIS.  Decided to set of special meeting on Thursday, March 9, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. with Fin. Com., Tony Marinelli, BOS, Executive Secretary and Bob Sutter to discuss situation.  Maintain line at  $60,000.00

Line 14 Legal - Line was increased by $20,000.00 for pending suits.  Dan Webster indicated that Mr. Nugent has filed suit against the Town.  The suit could possibly run $30,000.00.  There is also a case with the Board of Health.  Mr. Webster did not recommend cutting the line at this time.  Maintain line at $85,000.00

Line 16 Engineering - Line was increased by $13,000.00. Mr. Webster explained that there will be a lot of engineering involved in the Plymouth County Hospital.  The sidewalk program has used much of the funding in the line.  Linda Wyman suggested prioritizing projects.  Cathy Kuchinski suggested bidding the engineering fees.  Reduced the line to $20,000.00.

Line 16A Demolition - Line was increase by $5,000.00 - Mr. Webster explained that there may be structures at the County Hospital Site which need to be taken down.  Maintain line at $12,000.00.

Line 18 Utilities - Line was increased by $5,000.00 - Mrs. Gomez explained that this increase is a estimate.  Maintain line at $130,000.00.

Lines 19-20 Town Buildings - Line was increased by $9,130 for salary and $2,500 for new services.  Mrs. Gomez explained that the salary increase was for the custodian who has joined that Highway union and the new services are for the maintenance of the landscape around the Town Hall.  Peg Hansen inquired if the $2,500 would be annual.  Mr. Webster indicated that it would.

Lines 29 - 31 Selectmen Salaries - Line increased $26,488.00 - Said increase included additional staffing requests, 5% increase for management assistant, 3% increase for BOS and clerical union.  Mr. Webster explained that the Board has not voted on the additional staffing requests.  BOS will make recommendation after meeting with departments making the requests.

Lines 32 - 33 Executive Secretary - Line reduced by $2,427.00.  Mr. Webster explained that a contract with the new Executive Secretary has been signed in the amount of $62,000.00.  Said salary will cover all his expenses.  The Board has agreed to pay for training and seminars.  Consequently, the $1,500 in expenses will stay in the budget. Line to be reduced for $63,500.00.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Cathy Kuchinski to adjourn.  Voted 4 - 0.

                Meeting adjourned at 11:13 p.m.